What is the Difference between Billiards, Pool, and Snooker? > 자유게시판

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What is the Difference between Billiards, Pool, and Snooker?

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작성자 Shasta
댓글 0건 조회 142회 작성일 24-06-13 20:14


Both the pick and the torque tool also amplify and transmit feedback about the state of the lock back to their user. The proper pick and torque tool selection depend on the shape of the keyway, the features of the lock, the picking technique, and the individual preferences of the user. Other names for the torque tool are turning tool, torque wrench, torsion wrench, what is billiards and tension wrench. Picking tools are designed to perform one of two basic functions: manipulating pins and turning the plug. If you tried to rotate the plug of such a lock without a key in the keyway, the top pin segment of each pin stack would block the plug at exactly the same number of degrees of rotation; each pin stack would contribute equally to preventing the plug from turning. Right: With all of the cuts at the shear line, the plug can rotate freely within the shell. Alternatively, you can use the rounded edge of an inverted hook pick instead of a special rake pick.

For most of the picking methods discussed here, in which tumblers are manipulated one by one, a "hook"-style pick is generally used. The selection of the torque tool is just as important as that of the pick, but, again, commercial pick kits often fail to include a sufficient range of sizes and designs to allow good control and feel across the range of common locks. If the torque tool is too thin, it will tend to be "springy" and will absorb much of the fine movement and control needed to successfully pick better quality locks. Much of this is simply a matter of individual preference, but certain choices here can also have an impact on performance. Picks probe and lift the individual pin tumblers through the keyway, while torque tools control the degree and force of plug rotation. Avoid so-called "feather-touch" and spring-loaded torque tools altogether. The basic recommended pick set for this course includes four picks and four torque tools. In general, the torque tool should be as thick as possible while still fitting in the keyway, and of a width sufficient to provide good control but without interfering with the picking tool's access to the pins.

Other differences between picks, aside from the shape of the tip, are the material, finish, width and thickness of the tang shaft, and the shape and material of the handle. The stick or handle of the mechanical bridge is very similar in shape to the cue stick. The shape of the tip is the most obvious difference between picking tools, with hooks, half-diamond, ball, double ball, wave, sawtooth and other styles available. If a player nominates and legally pockets the ten ball prior to the ten ball being the last remaining ball, the ten ball is re-spotted and the shooter continues, while pocketing the ten ball as a final ball at the table, he wins the rack. Whether such a shot is legal depends on how it is accomplished and the intention of the shooter. The cue ball is the ball that is struck by the shooter at the beginning of a shot.

Their ball falls into any of the pockets. Traditionally, billiards tables do not have pockets. This style of tool is especially useful for holding open automotive locks that have spring-loaded dust covers. Another style of torque tool has two "prongs" that fit in the top and bottom of the keyway, with a cutout between them for the pick. The traditional torque tool is made from stiff, flat spring steel, bent at a 90 degree angle to provide a small blade that fits in the keyway and a long handle to which torque is applied. Spring steel or stainless steel, between .020 and .035 inches thick, are typical materials. In particular note that because the pins are slightly out of alignment, as the plug is turned gently, only the pin stack that is most out of alignment actually prevents further rotation. Note the border between the plug and shell, which forms the shear line, and the cuts in each pin stack resting within the plug. In an ideal lock, all of the pin holes in the plug would be in perfect alignment with the corresponding holes in the shell, the centerline of the plug would be exactly parallel to that of the shell, and all of the pins would be exactly the same diameter.


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